A unique tool in France for training and information on Industry 4.0 processes

To raise awareness of the industrial professions, as close as possible to the regions and to the public seeking career guidance or reorientation, the UIMM and its Pôle Formation de Franche-Comté have developed „La Fabrique 4.0“ after nearly three years of reflection, thanks to the financial support of the Burgundy Franche-Comté Region.

Responding to the needs of industry, La Fabrique 4.0 is a unique tool in France: never before have such technologies been embedded and integrated into a mobile machine.

A true positioning, training and retraining center, „La Fabrique 4.0″’s mobility means it will be able to operate at the heart of companies, to meet their needs in the areas of installation control, maintenance management, inventory management, augmented reality, safety studies, programming, digital twinning, virtual reality empowerment, automation, robotics, additive printing, etc.


La Fabrique 4.0 in practice: training but also promotion of trades to younger people

The Fabrique 4.0 has been up and running since November, and has taken its first steps by training ten jobseekers in production plant operation.

The mobile training unit can take to the road to meet young people at secondary schools and other events.

La Fabrique 4.0 combines information with experience, to make a lasting impression on a public that isn’t very receptive to grand speeches! Through industry scenarios and immersion in augmented or virtual reality, a wide range of professions are presented, and the actions carried out combine the professions with concrete elements with which everyone can identify.

You’ll be able to enjoy three different experiences:

  1. „Mission Exosquelette“ in virtual reality

This immersive manipulation experience has been developed using Oculus Quest and HTC Vive. The experience plunges the candidate right into the heart of an industrial company that manufactures exoskeletons. The mission is to build a missing part of the exoskeleton to facilitate the mobility of Yann, a young man with a disability.

They will discover 3 independent scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: design, prototyping, electronics, 3D printing…
  • Scenario 2: automation, welding, boilermaking…
  • Scenario 3: machining, production line management, maintenance, robotics…
  1. La Fabrique 4.0 – the first mobile 4.0 training unit: observe and practice!

The aim is to demonstrate the manufacturing process of a product using Industry 4.0 technologies, connected sensors, automation, robotization, maintenance and additive printing, production supervision…

This observation sequence will be followed by the operation of a virtual bottling production line, to carry out a production run and diagnose any faults, and to understand the impact of modifying a Schneider and Siemens PLC program.

  1. The odyssey of industry: which professions are like you?

Aims: discover the diversity of professions (from design to industrial production) and identify training courses. Designed around digital games and video animations, it identifies training courses, from the CAP to engineering degrees, and professional certifications. At the end of the course, led by a professional, a personalized scoring system enables each participant to discover the trades that correspond to him or her. A great opportunity to perfect your career orientation and discover a sector that’s recruiting.


For further information: laurent.lombard@formation-industries-fc.fr |  06 13 90 40 89 |